When was the Earth Created?

Clark, Harold W. (1964) When was the Earth Created? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (2): 4.

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This 1964 article presents a creationist perspective on the age of the Earth, arguing against the dominant scientific view of a billions-of-years-old planet. The author challenges the scientific consensus by focusing on a literal interpretation of Genesis, proposing a young Earth approximately 4000 BC. He suggests that the apparent age indicated by radioactive dating methods might be an artifact of extraordinarily rapid creative processes during the six days of creation, resulting in the presence of decay products that mimic a much longer timeframe. Furthermore, the article highlights the limited acceptance of creationist viewpoints within the scientific community at the time but also notes a growing international interest in alternative perspectives, particularly among certain academic and educational institutions.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science (General) > QS Creation Science (General) > QS1 Age of the Earth. Age of the Universe
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 12 Mar 2025 01:14
Last Modified: 12 Mar 2025 01:14
URI: https://crsq.creationresearch.org/id/eprint/1651

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