Items where Subject is "QS1 Age of the Earth. Age of the Universe"
- Creation Research Subjects (9)
- Q Science (General) (9)
- QS Creation Science (General) (9)
- QS1 Age of the Earth. Age of the Universe (9)
- QS Creation Science (General) (9)
- Q Science (General) (9)
Acrey, D. O. (1965) Problems in Absolute Age Determination. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (3): 2.
Acrey, Donald O. (1964) On the Origin of the Universe. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (1): 4.
Clark, Harold W. (1964) When was the Earth Created? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (2): 4.
Moore, John N. (1964) The Heritage of Creation Concepts: Selected Bibliography Showing the Continuity of the Creationist Viewpoint (Part I). Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1: 1.
Moore, John N. (1965) The Heritage of Creation Concepts: Selected Bibliography Showing the Continuity of the Creationist Viewpoint (Part II). Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (3): 1.
Morris, Henry M. (1966) World Population and Bible Chronology. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (3): 3.
Rasmussen, B. Gorm (1965) Fossil Bacteria. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (3): 4.
Williams, Arthur F. (1965) The Genesis Account of Creation. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (1): 2.
Wood, Robert W. (1966) The Age of Man. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 3.