Radiological Dating and Some Pertinent Applications of Historical Interest: Do Radiological “Clocks” Need Repair?

Cook, Melvin A. (1968) Radiological Dating and Some Pertinent Applications of Historical Interest: Do Radiological “Clocks” Need Repair? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 5 (2): 2.

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Radiocarbon dating is bused on the incorrect assumption that C-14 is in equilibrium, the rate of formation equaling the rate of decay. But recent data show rate of formation is 18.4 and rate of decay 13.3 so that a non-equilibrium condition exists. This situation telescopes all radiocarbon ages to about 10,000 years or less. Consideration of uraniun-thorium-lead age determinations show at least six basic difficulties involved in determining true age. Most serious is evidence for artificial aging by the so-called “neutron-gamma" reactions. A number of crucial examples are given. Thus the uranium ore at Shinkolobwe, Katanga contains no thorium or common lead, but .08% Pb-208! If it came from "neutron-gamma” reactions, the likely explanation of this ore, it is a modern ore, far younger than the assigned 640 million year old age of conventional dating!Potassium-argon dating does not take into account the relatively great amount of argon-40, branching ratio data, and uncertain half-life of some isotopes. Pure guess work is required to establish the actual concentrations of the isotopes involved in the rubidium-strontium "time clock" at the beginning of a particular mineral. An extensive (discussion of radiocarbon dating in relation to a global sea level cycle is given. Also dates of various civilizations based on an equilibrium radiocarbon model are shown to be seriously older than reality.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science (General) > QE Geology > QE508 Geochronometry > QE508.1 Radiometric Dating. Carbon Dating
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 12 Mar 2025 01:15
Last Modified: 12 Mar 2025 01:15

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