Items where Subject is "QE508.1 Radiometric Dating. Carbon Dating"
- Creation Research Subjects (8)
- Q Science (General) (8)
- QE Geology (8)
- QE508 Geochronometry (8)
- QE508.1 Radiometric Dating. Carbon Dating (8)
- QE508 Geochronometry (8)
- QE Geology (8)
- Q Science (General) (8)
Armstrong, H. L. (1966) An Attempt to Correct for the Effects of the Flood in Determining Dates by Radioactive Carbon. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 4.
Brown, R. H. (1968) Radiocarbon Dating. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 5 (2): 1.
Cook, Melvin A. (1968) Radiological Dating and Some Pertinent Applications of Historical Interest: Do Radiological “Clocks” Need Repair? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 5 (2): 2.
Gentry, Robert V. (1966) Cosmological Implications of Extinct Radioactivity From Pleochroic Halos. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (2): 3.
Gentry, Robert V. (1968) On the Invariance of the Decay Constant Over Geological Time. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 5 (2): 4.
Whitelaw, Robert L. (1968) Radiocarbon Confirms Biblical Creation (And So Does Potassium-Argon). Creation Research Society Quarterly, 5 (2): 3.
Wiant Jr, Harry and Harris, Lester (1966) How Reliable Is Carbon 14 Dating? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 7.
Wood, Robert W. (1966) The Age of Man. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 3.