Radiocarbon Confirms Biblical Creation (And So Does Potassium-Argon)

Whitelaw, Robert L. (1968) Radiocarbon Confirms Biblical Creation (And So Does Potassium-Argon). Creation Research Society Quarterly, 5 (2): 3.

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The C-14 method of dating not only confirms Biblical history, but creation also. Similarly the potassium-argon method cannot be used to establish ages older than about 7000 years. Libby found a discrepancy indicating a non-equilibrium in the build-up of terrestrial radiocarbon. But, since he was convinced that the earth was millions of years old, he decided the difference between the C-14 production rate of 19 atoms/gm-min. and the specific activity of 16 dis/gm-min. was due to experimental error. Actually this difference is greater and is to be expected on the basis of a relatively recent Creation. Allowing for this difference and computing backward leads directly to the Biblical creation date. The vulnerability of the potassium-argon method of dating lies in the difficulty of knowing how much of the argon came from potassium, a determination absolutely vital to all age determinations. Since 99.6% of argon is Ar-40 and .337% is Ar-36, the ratio of 99.6 to .337 or 295.6 would give the amount of argon coming from potassium in the equation: Radioargon 40 = total argon 40 – 295.6 times argon 36. But this assumes the ratio of Ar-36 to Ar-40 since the beginning. If cosmic radiation began with Creation, the present Ar-36 concentration of .337% would have built up from zero since then, so that the “constant” of 295.6 must increase rapidly as one goes backward in time.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science (General) > QE Geology > QE508 Geochronometry > QE508.1 Radiometric Dating. Carbon Dating
Depositing User: Admin
Date Deposited: 12 Mar 2025 01:15
Last Modified: 12 Mar 2025 01:15

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