Items where Subject is "QH359.2 Origin of Life"
- Creation Research Subjects (6)
- Q Science (General) (6)
- QH Natural History. Biology (6)
- QH359 Biological Evolution (6)
- QH359.2 Origin of Life (6)
- QH359 Biological Evolution (6)
- QH Natural History. Biology (6)
- Q Science (General) (6)
Gish, Duane T. (1964) Critique of Biochemical Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (2): 3.
Grebe, John J. (1964) Science Is Now Proving the Genesis Creation Account Is Correct. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (1): 2.
Rupke, N. A. (1967) A Summary of the Monera Fallacy. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 4 (3): 3.
Tinkle, William J. (1964) The Paradox of a Century. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1 (2): 2.
Williams, Emmett L. (1967) The Evolution of Complex Organic Compounds From Simpler Chemical Compounds:Is It Thermodynamically and Kinetically Possible? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 4 (1): 5.
Zimmerman, Paul A. (1964) The Spontaneous Generation of Life. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1: 4.