Items where Year is 1966
Armstrong, H. L. (1966) A Note on Canopies. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (3): 2.
Armstrong, H. L. (1966) An Attempt to Correct for the Effects of the Flood in Determining Dates by Radioactive Carbon. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 4.
Barnes, Thomas G. (1966) A Scientific Alternative to Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 1.
Burdick, Clifford (1966) Microflora of the Grand Canyon. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 3.
Butler, Larry (1966) Adaptation at Birth vs. Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 5.
Butler, Larry (1966) Meteorites, Man, and God's Plan. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 6.
Clark, Harold W. (1966) The Mystery of the Red Beds. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (2): 2.
Gentry, Robert V. (1966) Cosmological Implications of Extinct Radioactivity From Pleochroic Halos. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (2): 3.
Klotz, John W. (1966) The Philosophy of Science in Relation to Concepts of Creation vs. the Evolution Theory. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (2): 1.
Lammerts, Walter E. (1966) The Galapagos Island Finches. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 9.
Lammerts, Walter E. (1966) Overthrust Faults of Glacier National Park. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 7.
Moore, John N. (1966) Neo-Darwinism and Society. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 2.
Morris, Henry M. (1966) Hydraulics, Sedimentation, and Catastrophism. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 4.
Morris, Henry M. (1966) World Population and Bible Chronology. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (3): 3.
Patten, Donald Wesley (1966) The Ice Age Phenomena and a Possible Explanation. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 8.
Rupke, N. A. (1966) Prolegomena to a Study of Cataclysmal Sedimentation. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 2.
Rusch Sr, Wilbert (1966) Analysis of So-Called Evidences of Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 1.
Sears, Jack Wood (1966) A Disturbing Trend. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (3): 1.
Shute, Evan V. (1966) Further Highly Specialized Adaptations. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (3): 4.
Slusher, Harold S. (1966) A Gravity Study of the Kilbourne Hole Area, New Mexico. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 5.
Slusher, Harold S. (1966) Supposed Overthrust in Franklin Mountains, El Paso, Texas. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 6.
Wiant Jr, Harry and Harris, Lester (1966) How Reliable Is Carbon 14 Dating? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 7.
Williams Jr, Emmett L. (1966) Entropy and the Solid State. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (3): 5.
Wood, Robert W. (1966) The Age of Man. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (4): 3.