Items where Subject is "QH103 Variation, Adaptation, and Speciation"
- Creation Research Subjects (7)
- Q Science (General) (7)
- QH Natural History. Biology (7)
- QH103 Variation, Adaptation, and Speciation (7)
- QH Natural History. Biology (7)
- Q Science (General) (7)
Howard, Warren R. (1967) Reinterpretation of Facts Behind the Theory of Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (4): 3.
Lammerts, Walter E. (1964) Discoveries Since 1859 Which Invalidate the Evolution Theory. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1: 10.
Lammerts, Walter E. (1966) The Galapagos Island Finches. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 9.
Lammerts, Walter E. (1965) Planned Induction of Commercially Desirable Variation in Roses by Neutron Radiation. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (1): 7.
Moore, Ralph S. (1967) A Study of Moss and Miniature Roses. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (4): 2.
Shute, Evan V. (1966) Further Highly Specialized Adaptations. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (3): 4.
Shute, Evan V. (1965) More Extraordinary Adaptations. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (3): 3.