Items where Subject is "QH426 Genetics"
- Creation Research Subjects (8)
- Q Science (General) (8)
- QH Natural History. Biology (8)
- QH426 Genetics (8)
- QH Natural History. Biology (8)
- Q Science (General) (8)
Armstrong, Harold (1967) Is DNA Only a Material Cause? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 4 (1): 7.
Frair, Wayne (1967) Some Molecular Approaches to Taxonomy. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 4 (1): 3.
Frair, Wayne F. (1968) Life in a Test Tube? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 5 (1): 3.
Gish, Duane T. (1967) DNA: its History and Potential. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 4 (1): 2.
Grebe, John J. (1967) DNA Studies in Relation to Creation Concepts: the New Biology, Based on Molecular Structure, Shows No Proof of Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 4 (1): 4.