Items where Subject is "QH359 Biological Evolution"
- Creation Research Subjects (18)
- Q Science (General) (18)
- QH Natural History. Biology (18)
- QH359 Biological Evolution (18)
- QH359.6 Homology (2)
- QH359 Biological Evolution (18)
- QH Natural History. Biology (18)
- Q Science (General) (18)
Armstrong, H. L. (1965) Was Aristotle an Evolutionist? Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (3): 2.
Grebe, John J. (1967) DNA Studies in Relation to Creation Concepts: the New Biology, Based on Molecular Structure, Shows No Proof of Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 4 (1): 4.
Lammerts, Walter E. (1966) The Galapagos Island Finches. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 9.
Rusch Sr, Wilbert (1966) Analysis of So-Called Evidences of Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 3 (1): 1.
Ward, Rita Rhodes (1965) A Study of English Micraster Research: From a Creationist's Point of View. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 2 (1): 6.
Williams Jr, Emmett L. (1969) A Simplified Explanation of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics: Their Relationship to Scripture and the Theory of Evolution. Creation Research Society Quarterly, 5 (4): 3.